Lawyer Software Enhancement

Multiple Roles Assignment

A new feature had been coded into Mylegalsoft Client Management Modules to improve the user friendliness during the data entry for those client with multiple roles. With this enhancement, the legal staff will just need to enter the client information one time and assign different roles as shown as following:-

Existing file:

Client              : Zul Mohd Ali Bin Saiful

Purchaser 1         : Zul Mohd Ali Bin Saiful

Purchaser 2         : Marina Mohd Bte Saifudin

Say purchaser 1 is also the first borrower and purchaser 2 is the second borrower.

Now user can shorten the process of adding borrower 1 and borrower 2 by clicking the new feature: “Other Role”.

Mylegalsoft Client Management Module

1. Upon clicking “Other Role”, system will show up this screen.

Other Roles

2. The ref. no., client name, selected party name and party role is shown.
3. User can use the find to search for the new role for the selected party. In this case, user should search for borrower1.

Other Roles

4. After the “Search” button is pressed, system returns the search result.
5. Check the “Borrower1” and press “Save” to save the role.

Mylegalsoft Client Management Module

6. Now, select for Purchaser2 and press “Other Role”.

software for law firm – Other Roles

7. Take note that “Borrower1” no longer shown. This is because there is already a role named “Borrower1” existed for this ref. no. which is the one we just inserted.

software for law firm – Client Management Module

8. Lastly, two near roles (Borrower1 and Borrower2) are created.

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